Benjamin Pure Shares Some Medical Facts to Take Good Care of Our Joints

Quality of life depends on our ability to move and our joints play a vital role in keeping us active throughout our lives, opines Benjamin Pure M.D. Healthy joints can be maintained in proper shape by engaging in physical activity that provides exercise without harming joints.

Ensuring joint flexibility for healthier joints

Those who have sedentary lifestyles experience stiffness of joints very frequently. It is strongly advised to do periodical stretching activity to maintain flexibility of joints.

Stretching not only relaxes joints and prevents stiffening but is also good for muscles. One can also walk around after short intervals to keep joints and muscles in perfect condition.

Joint pain is caused primarily because of space constriction between two bones that form the joint. This leads to friction of bones and acute pain that is recognized as joint pain or arthritis.

Knee joints are called as weight bearing joints and these are prone to develop a condition that is called as osteoarthritis. It is worsened if the person is obese or overweight.

In such cases, weight reduction can definitely help to relieve joint pain to great extent according to Benjamin Pure. There are more serious forms of arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, frozen shoulder, and spondilosis.

Multiple aspect of rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritic disorders are almost always chronic in nature and are progressive diseases. These are responsible for loss of mobility and joint function. Morning stiffness is one of the commonest symptoms of arthritis.

Arthritis is characterized by swelling in the joints and severe joint pain. Doctors recommend use of anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve inflammation and pain.

In severe forms of arthritis, doctors can also suggest use of steroids and disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs that are potent in action and are associated with several side effects.

Cause of arthritis is not known and is considered to be an auto-immune disorder where our own immunity wages war against us. That explains the use of immunosuppressant drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment as well as prognosis of arthritis is not very encouraging. Therefore we must take good care of our joints by eating food rich in calcium and doing regular exercise.

We also must watch our weight to improve functioning of joints, advises Benjamin Pure white. Exercise such as walking, cycling, or swimming are recommended strongly as these do not lead to impact.